Chant Books

Gregorian Chant is the native song of the Roman Catholic Church, much of it composed in the early Middle Ages, some of it coming down to us from the earliest days of Christianity.  This music has enjoyed great popularity in the world of secular music during recent decades, but many Catholics are unfamiliar with it in its liturgical context.

While Pope Paul VI, Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI have all encouraged the use of Gregorian Chant in the liturgy, the Latin texts remain a stumbling block for many, either because of difficulty approaching that which is unfamiliar, or because of perceived political polarization within the Church.  This sacred musical repertory is nonetheless a gift of faith to the modern Church from generations past and deserving of our embrace and best efforts to learn it.

Our congregation currently sings the Kyrie from Masses XII and XVI, the Sanctus from Mass XVIII, and the Agnus Dei from Masses XVII and XVIII.  The parish choirs are currently focusing on the basic repertory of hymns found in The Parish Book of Chant.  This book also contains the most commonly sung chant Masses, as well as the complete Latin text and translation of both the Ordinary (Novus Ordo) and Extraordinary (1962 Missal) Forms of the Mass.

Those who wish to have their own copy of The Parish Book of Chant may purchase one from Aquinas & More.